NGOs created by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
In her tremendous compassion and concern to alleviate human sufferings, Mrs. Srivastava has been able to create a number of NGOs (Non Governmental Organisations) to solve the most immediate problems of the world in the last 25 years. To mention a few:
- An international hospital in Mumbai to help patients all over the world to get a chance to cure themselves through Sahaja Yoga methods. This hospital has been producing quite successful results in curing a number of incurable diseases like cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis etc
- An international cancer research centre in Mumbai in order to study the effects of Sahaja Yoga methods on curing various illnesses, including psychosomatic diseases
- An international music school in Nagpur, now shifted to Vaitarna near Mumbai, to promote classical music.
- A charity house for the poor people in Delhi, to provide shelter to destitute and homeless people. Also to help them through the process of Sahaja Yoga to become better individuals.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has dedicated her life to triggering the spiritual ascent of mankind through Self Realization, reclaiming the role of women in the spiritual evolution, and guiding humanity to correct today’s moral dilemmas. It seems that the light of Gandhi’s vision is being brought to fulfilment by this great lady who is revered as the compassionate Divine Mother by her followers, as the “Messenger of peace” by Ayatollah Rouhani, an Avatar of the modern era by Claes Nobel, grandnephew of Albert Nobel (the creator of the Nobel foundation) and Chairman of United Earth.
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