Shri Mataji’s Nirmala Devi. Advise on Virus, Allergies, Flu, Cancer etc, Shri Mataji explains how these diseases are related to the ‘Left side’ channel and explains the treatment.
Link to Homoeopathic treatment Corona Virus/ Covid.19
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains that it’s not the heat of the candle it is the light of the candle.
Quote, “The light will help you a lot with Viral infections, they are in the left channel.”
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3 Candle treatment showing where to place the candles.
1 behind left hip.
1 at the side of the left hip.
1 that the fingers tips of the left hand pointing towards the flame.
3 Candle treatment ‘Plus’ with one additional short candle ‘working’ on the left side.
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Research into the Homoeopathic Treatment for Covid.19 Pandemic/Corona Virus
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