
Why do we get ill?

Question to Shree Mataji, “why do we get ill?”
Shree Mataji Replies: “Now, this is what you are inside, let’s see. Now on the left hand side you see a blue line which is – what we call is the moon channel or you can say the left sympathetic nervous system. This channel gives energy to the left sympathetic nervous system. And the another one is the right side one which is yellow colored, goes up there and like a bile color it is. It’s called as the sun line or ”Surya Nadi” which gives rise to the right sympathetic system. Now the central one is the one what we call as the ”Sushumna” is the central path of ascent which is actually – gives, I mean, nourishes the Parasympathetic nervous system. Now, in a human being out of his freedom he can either go to any extreme of left or right. Supposing he is overactive and futuristic, and thinks too much and works too much and physically all the time working out like jogging, this that – all sorts of things. Then he goes to the right side too much. Because he’s futuristic, he’s speedy, or he may be successful. But he develops a tremendous thing called ‘ego’. Ego is there that, “I’m doing this and I’m doing that.” Actually we are doing nothing. Whatever is dead we convert it – say the wood is dead, we made the roof, we think we made something great. From dead to another dead. Or from whatever is dead matter we try to discover something out of that and use the energy of that. But we cannot even create one little atom. This is the situation. But we think we are doing this, we are doing that.
As we give stories about some Indian villagers going by plane were told not to take too much luggage, because the plane will feel heavy. So they took all the luggage in the plane, but put it on their heads. (”Laughter”) They were asked, “Why do you do that?” They said, “We are trying to reduce the weight of the plane.” In the same way in our ego we think that way. Now this over activity on the right hand side – ego harm others, doesn’t harm you. But physically it can give you tremendous effects. First of all as you see it starts with that yellow second center called as Swadhishthana, which is very much responsible for all kinds of physical and mental activities. In the sense that it converts the fat cells of the stomach for the use of the brain, to replace the grey cells when we think too much. So when we think too much this poor chakra cannot look after other functions. Another important work it has got: the liver, the pancreas, the spleen, the kidney and the lower intestines, large intestine, the descending colon of the large intestines, they say. Now, when these things are neglected the first thing you get is tremendous heat in the body. Tremendous heat, because the liver is overactive. Then this heat passes to higher side and one gets asthma. Because it melts the phlegm. As a result of that you get hay fever, you get sneezing, you get running nose and you get asthma. Of course in the medicine they don’t say this. (”Shri Mataji laughing”) They only treat the symptoms. I’m telling you the root cause.
Now, then on the other side is the – you have got the pancreas. The pancreas becomes overactive, so you develop diabetes. You’ll be amazed that in India in a village people take so much sugar that they say that the spoon must stand in the sugar. Nobody gets diabetes. But if you think too much all the energy spent in thinking you get diabetes – specially people who sit down and plan, plan, plan. (”Shri Mataji laughing”) Then you have the third problem which is more serious. Is the spleen which is like a speedometer, which keeps the rhythm of life with us. Now, the way our life is, modern life is we invite shocks. Early in the morning we see the newspaper, finished. Horrible news, horrible things, this one fighting, that one killing, that all horrible things. This poor spleen has to produce more red blood corpuscles for emergency. So under shock it start producing more RBC’s. Then you eat your food in a hurry – your breakfast, you push it in your mouth somehow, because all the time is wasted in newspaper reading. So you have no time to have your breakfast. You get into the car and then you find a jam, finished. Then you are breaking your head with worry. Again another shock to poor spleen, it goes on producing RBC’s without any rhythm in it, it becomes hectic. It is such a hectic life we lead.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi October 13, 1987 Public Program Day 2 University of Vienna,