Now these five elements create what within you? They create the five chakras within you or you can say the six chakras are created out of these five elements. And these five elements, when they create the chakras then they also give us a support to have the deities’ aasana, a seat for the deities to come in. So, they are important. But if you have to give a deity a seat, you do not give some sort of a filthy seat. You give a nice, the best seat, whatever is available, to the deity. So, you must know that when you are using the matter, see the auspiciousness of it. You have to know the auspiciousness of things that you are using, whether it is auspicious or not. At random we buy clothes. At random we buy things. If you could use your vibratory awareness to buy your things to see what you should buy, what would look nice because beauty and auspiciousness goes hand in hand. They are not two things. Because beauty is a thing that gives joy to your Spirit, auspiciousness is the same, which gives joy to your Spirit. All other beauty is no beauty.
Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi 27 Sep 1980
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