Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching references to realisation and Yoga (Yoga meaning the connection with the divine)
In this classic Chinese text there are many references to realisation and yoga.
verse 1: The TAO that can be expressed is not the eternal TAO. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. ‘Non-existence’ I call the beginning of Heaven and earth. ‘Existence’ I call the mother of individual beings. Therefore does the direction towards non-existence lead to the sight of the miraculous essence, the direction towards existence to the sight of spatial limitations. Both are one in origin And different only in name. In its unity it is called the secret. The secret’s still deeper secret is the gateway through which all miracles emerge.
verse 25 (extract): There is one thing that is invariably complete. Before Heaven and Earth were, it is already there: so still, so lonely. Alone it stands and does not change. It turns in a circle and does not endanger itself. One may call it ‘the Mother of the World’. I do not know its name. I call it TAO. …
verse 52 (extract): The world has a beginning: that is the Mother of the World. Whosoever finds the mother in order to know the sons; whosoever knows the sons and returns to the mother: he will not be in danger all his life long. …
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